Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ramble on

Forty-five years ago, I graduated from high school and joined the Marine Corps.

Sixteen years ago I retired from the US Naval Services.

Where has the time gone? What do you mean, time and tide wait for no man?

So, I am over sixty years old, and my military mind tells me I can't believe it. Seems like just yesterday I was thirty-something, and now I have grown children and grand-children.

Yeah, I'm way not as lean as I once was. When I look at my pictures from Vietnam I find it difficult that I was once 155 pounds.

I have joked many times that growing up I was always advised to expand my horizons, and now that my horizon has expanded, seems the doctors are telling me I have to lose weight.

That is an irritation, seems that everything I do or try is not good for me.

A few years ago, I walked into the base exchange, and there was a vendor at the entrance who was demonstrating juicers.

Well, it did look just like the food processor I owned, but I was informed it was a "juicer".

Then I was informed that the juicer was capable of saving my life.

Seems that juicing will add years to a person's life.

I asked the vendor to tell me when I was going to die.

I informed him that I had survived a head-on MVA at 80 mph; and had returned from thirteen months in Vietnam.

When he said he couldn't tell me when I was going to die, I asked him how he could guarantee that juicing would add years to my life.

I have written before that my paternal grandfather died at age 34 and my dad died at age 54. I am over 60; and I just really cannot believe that we can guesstimate when someone is gonna exit this world. It just cannot be done.

Well, I think I have rambled enuff for the time being...

It is Saturday, and methinks I should go and do something positive.

So, will chekk u later.

Took a look

Pamela has an interesting and exciting picture posted.

How great is it that bloggers get pix and ideas from all over that really provide encouragement.

It is my considered opinion that this picture will never find its way into the news; however you wish to identify that.

Thanks, Pam, you rock!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leisure time

I enjoy reading books; whatever kind, I enjoy...

In high school, I really didn't enjoy, nor do much reading because I had a mental and emotional adversity to doing book reports; and reading, to my young mind, equated to doing book reports.

I would rather take a butt-whipping than do a book report.

In my early days in the Marine Corps, I spent a lot of time in bus depots and on buses.

I soon learned that doing crossword puzzles and reading paperbacks helped to take up the time.

I found that I enjoyed reading, especially novels.

Later, as I accepted promotions and additional responsibilities, I learned to read non-fiction books to build up my reference material.

Then I attended a conference where I was informed that to really get a well rounded frame of reference, a person needs to read a lot...

And not just in their respective field of endeavor, but anything they can get their hands on.

So, I learned a lot.

Then I studied the home training program for ministers; and I was able to complete reports on the books I was reading.

Well, now I am retired...

In the last six months, I think I have read over thirty books, both fiction and non-fiction.

I just finished reading two books, that I want to comment on, based somewhat on what I have already stated.

I prefer books along the lines of international intrigue and politics.

I am a great fan of Tom Clancy, and have read every one of his books: some more than once.

The first book I read was The Scorpion's Gate, Richard A. Clarke (305 pgs).
I found this book really difficult to follow. It took me about four days to get through it. A couple of times I asked myself why I was continuing to read, when I really didn't want to.

The story was good, it was just the way it was written. I found, a couple of times, I had to back up a page or two in order to figure out where I was supposed to be in the story.

The second book I read was Nothing to Lose, Lee Child (407 pgs).

It took me about four hours to read this book; I had a hard time putting it down, even to cook supper.

Again, I can only surmise that the difference between the two authors is in the way they write.

My mentors in the Marine Corps advised me to always write as if I was speaking to someone.

There is an understanding that writing should be somewhat formal.

Mr. Clarke, as I understand has spent some time in politics, and the nature of that beast is to write in the non personal voice.

My caveat here, is that I am not a paid reviewer, nor am I a reviewer at all. I just wanted to put in my two cents.

The Laws Of Life

A very good friend sent this to me in an email, and I thot it was good enuff to post here... There was no attribution to the author, so, when I learn, I will provide info.

Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.

Law of the Workshop - Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

Law of the Telephone - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.

Law of the Alibi - If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.

Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes) the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).

Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

Law of Biomechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

Law of the Theater - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.

Law of Coffee - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Murphy's Law of Lockers - If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

Law of Rugs/Carpets - The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.

Law of Location - No matter where you go, there you are.

Law of Logical Argument - Any thing is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

Brown's Law - If the shoe fits, it's ugly.

Oliver's Law - A closed mouth gathers no feet

Wilson's Law - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it. (This one is true every time!)

Doctors' Law - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better. Don't make an appointment and you'll stay sick. (This one is also true every time.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


If you've never gambled on love and lost;

then you've never gambled at all.

Cognitive dissonance

People who feed at the public trough are referred to as "public servants".

Biblically, we have been taught that it is honorable to serve your fellow man.

Throughout my lifetime I have heard the statement "There is honor among thieves", used a lot.

Going back to the beginning of this great country, we learn that our elected law making officials were to be identified as "honorable" because they were serving their fellow man and this great country.

When I hear the term "public servant" a picture pops up in my mind...

I can guaran-damn-tee you, the picture of an honorable public servant is not someone who is paid more than the average citizen makes.

To my military mind it is a no-brainer that so many people fight to get elected to public office...

They get to tell everyone else how to live, and make sure they are paid enormous salaries to verify that they are above everyone else.


That do not sound like a servant to me.

Sounds like the inmates are running the asylum!

Onerous taxation is morally reprehensible...

Refusing to exploit our own crude oil supplies to remove us from onerous suppliers who use the money to attack our country and our people is morally reprehensible...

Taking earnings from honest working people to give to lazy, worthless people is morally reprehensible...

Taking private property from citizens under the pretense of "eminent domain" is morally reprehensible...

Sadly, what we have, today, in our elected officials are not "honorable public servants" but instead "dishonest public enemies".

Wanna know why this country is experiencing so many earth quakes, and in places where we have not seen them before?

Simply, it is our founding fathers turning over in their graves as they observe the destruction of what they worked so hard to bring about.

Many times over the years I have heard the expression "You never know what you have until it is gone".

Yup, when this great country of private property, and citizen government is gone...

We are gonna realize what we had, but it is gonna be too late.

Mythology has the phoenix rising out of the ashes, but in real life, as history has shown us over and over again, when a country goes down, it never comes back up again.

May God have mercy upon us.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Treading where angels fear to go

How did we get to the point of determining that lethal injection used in the death penalty can be cruel and unusual punishment?

Or that one of the chemicals used in lethal injection may/could cause pain?

How did we decide the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment?

Ummmm, you murder someone, you die! No brainer!

Remembering the guillotine, death came pretty fast... I understand everything was set up so your head stopped with your eyes looking back at your severed neck, with the last sight impressed on your brain was the fact that your head and ass were no longer connected.

Perhaps, a big shock.

Why should we be concerned whether or not a criminal living out his/her execution should feel any pain?

If they have committed a crime that merits the death penalty, why should it matter if they feel pain or not?

It seems to me, that society, at large, benefits when they see a person executed by the death penalty, really feeling the pain.

In the past hanging and crucifixion were great tools for administering the death penalty, because society was able to watch the criminal pay for their crime.

It was understood by every citizen, that you do the crime you are gonna pay.
So, why do we coddle criminals today?

Is it because we love the crime around us?

It is apparent to my military mind that we do not see crime as a problem, in fact we embrace it, perhaps as the price we have to pay to live in this world.

I wonder what would be the outcome if every lawyer that fought to free a criminal had to serve out the sentence with the criminal.

Would they fight harder, or would it become harder to find a lawyer to take your case?

So, just because we are being herded to believe there is no right and wrong, what happens when everyone in society embraces no absolutes?

Did somebody say anarchy?

Imagine what this world is gonna be like when nobody believes in right or wrong.



I can't imagine it...

I don't want to imagine it...

But why do we continue to allow "lawmakers" to push/lead us into that kind of society?

Yeah, I am definitely tired...

Scotty, I am still waiting to be beamed up...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Today is Father's Day!

What does it mean, "Father's Day"?

Its supposed to be one day out of the year that we take the time to "honor" our father?

Now, what is a father?

Is it the man who provides the spark that brings life to a child?

Is it the man who dedicates his life to raising and protecting the child who has been given life?

What about the children who grow up never knowing who their father might have been?
Or the children who grow up with a father who beats them every day, instead of kicking the dog or throwing the cat out the door?

Pamela reflects on her father and paints a pretty good picture of a man who should be honored by his children.
Thanks Pam, I really appreciate your heartfelt thoughts.

My father died at age 54 back in 1973. He had a heart murmur most of his life, and after a devastating bout with the Hong Kong flu in 1968, his heart was further damaged.

His dad, died at age 34, in 1920, when my dad was a year and a half old. His body was engulfed in cancer.

I suppose dad learned his dad skills from his step-dad.

In recent years I have learned from my dads step brothers and sisters that life in the household was pretty difficult for dad and his older brother.

Apparently, the most difficult times were at the dinner table. I can relate to that, cuz the dinner table was a nightmare in our house.

Leaving home, and being out on your own, helps to provide a new perspective on where you have been and what experiences you have survived.

My parent's first child was a girl, she died shortly after birth.

I cannot relate to how that might have affected dad; but I lost my first child, a daughter, when she was seven months old.

I recall a couple of things dad had said to me in my younger years that have had an impact on my adult life:
"Slow down; nothing is so important that you have to hurry to get there!"
"If you have to fight, try to get in the first punch, and make sure it puts the other guy down."

Well, I had many mixed messages from dad while growing up.
The toughest time seemed to be when I was in high school.

An old sage once opined that hind sight is always 20-20.

Life has a way of validating the right and good things in earlier times.

After being gone from home for thirteen or fourteen years, all of which was in the Marine Corps.

I accepted Jesus Christ into my life, and began to see what a real father was like in the form of my Heavenly Father.

After attending drug and alcohol rehab counselor training, and submitting to alcohol rehabilitation, I came to see how my childhood had impacted on my adult life.

It was around this time that I began to evaluate my relationship with my dad.
He had been dead for a few years, so, I had to evaluate without being able to discuss with him.

I came to understand that we all make mistakes, and quite often we try to do the best we can.

About this time I wrote a poem attempting to bridge the gap between my dad and I.

To my father I would like to say;
I thank you for your sacrifice.
I know you raised me up your way
and done your best for twice the price.

Many times I wanted to sit and talk
of things I didn't understand.
Like things you said that made me balk,
or the hurt that came form your strong hand.

I'd like to say "I'm sorry, dad
for hating you as I've done,
for the nasty words I've thought and said
you see, I'm still your son.

"I forgive you dad, if its not too late
and I love you too, I know.
Its been a long hard time to wait
and its gone so very slow."

Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with you on the land which the LORD your God gives you (Deuteronomy 5:16, NASB).