Saturday, May 31, 2008

Shameless HRC ads

Well, the Argus Leader {spelled Gannett news} is sponsoring radio ads that Hillary is the best choice for president...
They claim that she stands up for us so we should stand up for her... I think that should be bend over for her; she won't bend over for us.
So, according to the radio ad, Hillary is going to save Sosh security...Ha, ha, hah... Wonder how many times she has voted against doing anything to save it.
Also makes me wonder why she hasn't done anything while in con-gress to save it...
Any chance of saving Sosh security went away when con-gress voted to make Sosh sec account money part of the general fund.
Wanna save Sosh security?? Take the con-gressional no participation retirement fund and put that money into Sosh security account and put a lock box on it.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Good history lesson, and a few chuckles...

Go ahead and take a look; specially if you ain't never been there...

Always good for history lessons, and a friend to veterans.


My heart is so full of the glory and grace
that the blessed Lord Jesus brings
when we endeavor to see His face,
and abide in the shadow of His wings.

His ways are not normally our ways
nor His thoughts what we daily think.
Yet, His glory lights up our days
when in His loving arms we sink.

My heart is so full of His grace and glory,
that it flows from my eyes in cleansing tears,
giving voice to God's great salvation story;
today, and tomorrow, the same as for years.

My heart is so full of the glory and grace
that the Blessed Lord Jesus brings;
in the peaceful love of His tender face
and the healing touch of His wings.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shamelessly appropriated from Sgt Grit's American Courage Newsletter

Sgt Grit's Newsletter is a once a week publication. Lotsa sea stories, funnies, and rants and raves.
This week's newsletter has a letter that really touched this old Marine's heart, and produced a few raindrops on the old windshield.
I don't know how to contact Rhonda Elliott, but if I could I would tell her "Bravo Zulu!"

Dear Sgt. Grit,

I wrote this last week, thinking of mother's day and having one of my children in a strange and faraway land. I had a delivery person come in and ask me who was in the picture on my counter, when I said my son, he asked where he was, when I said Iraq, he said (I kid you not), "That's no place to be, that's not good.

We shouldn't even be there." I then said to him, "Well, HE thinks it is and THAT'S what counts." The guy stayed in my lobby waiting for a ride for another 20 minutes and never said one more word. I just began seething. THIS is what became of my anger. To all the Sgt. Grit readers, please feel free to pass it around to anyone you think might need to read it. It is my creation, I can only hope someone who is feeling like I was that day can gain some strength from the words. Anyone who wishes to use it or pass it on, is more than welcome to.

I am a Marine's Mom

I proudly display my son's picture for all to see it is on the counter where I work, it is the most conspicuous on the wall at home.

I am the woman you see in line at the store who has an American Flag pin, a "My Son is a Marine pin", and a red, white & blue ribbon with the blue service star in the middle.

I am the person driving the car that is in front of you with the magnets that say "Support Our Troops", Proud Parent of a Marine, and a blue service star, a yellow ribbon attached to the top of my antenna.

I am the one with the grocery cart full of cereal bars, beef jerky, flavorings and additives for water, Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, and Skittles so my son and his fellow Marine brothers can have a little piece of home while in a strange and far away country.

I am the person you see carrying boxes to the Post Office so my son and his fellow Marine brothers know there are people in the states that support them.

I am the one you see with tears in my eyes whenever "The Star Spangled Banner" is played or sung before a ball game.

I am the one that has tears in my eyes when the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag is said.

When you see my son's picture when you come into my place of business and ask me who it is and where he is, please understand, this is MY SON.

Please do not tell me we shouldn't be there. We are Please do not tell me the latest injury reports, the casualties, bombings and shootings. I know this, it is always in the back of my mind Please do not tell me the war is because of the President. This is my son's boss. I will not speak ill of him for whatever reason Please do not say that's no place to be, my son is there, he's serving our country, he would rather be home safe with his family, but he has a duty Please do not say "I'm sorry", I'M NOT, my son volunteered to protect his country. You should say, "You must be very proud of him."

Please do not tell me you know how I feel, unless you are a military parent, spouse, child, or fiancée, you have NO clue what I feel Please just tell me "Your son is in my prayers." There can never be enough prayers going up for our military or my son or me

I am the Mother of a Marine, this is my daily routine

Mentally calculating the time difference half way around the world. Accepting that my son is now MY protector Reaching across the ocean with my love, hoping my son feels the extra boost In the dead of night, waking up and saying a prayer for his safety and peace of mind Never letting my son see the tears in my eyes or hear the catch in my voice whenever he leaves home or ends a phone call Enduring those moments when I am not as strong as I think I should be

Making it through each day by the grace of God Opting to work extra hours or volunteer more than I used to trying to keep my mind occupied Trying to smile even when I haven't heard from my son for days or weeks on end Holding onto the Marine Corps motto of "Semper Fi", hoping I can keep the faith Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, praying God is with my son and will bring him home to me safely Rejoicing and shouting so all my coworkers know it is my son who is on the telephone.

written by Rhonda Elliott - 05/09/08
PROUD Marine Mom
LCpl Kristopher Hill USMC-deployed

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why do we say insanity instead of outsanity?

Time for cogitating on breaks from reality

Stupidest bunch of bureaucrats I've heard of

Zendo Deb comes through with news for those of us here in South Dakota that don't watch tv or spend much time on the radio.
Just because South Dakota is home to the Badlands, doesn't necessarily mean that this is still the wild, wild west. Liberal tards seem to be everywhere, and just like ants and mosquitoes, they get harder and harder to get rid of.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I just want to take a moment to remember a very good friend, who was cut down in life at a young age.

I first met Wally, when I was pastoring a small rural church.

I was visiting the local nursing home, and came across a young man in a wheel chair, who was pretty much incapable of doing anything for himself.

In his thirties, as a young businessman, he developed a brain tumor.

By the time the surgery was completed, he was pretty much paralyzed. He was also insulin dependent diabetic.

He had lived at home until he fell and broke a hip. His wife then had to have him placed in the nursing home, because she just was not capable of taking care of him, working, and raising two young boys.

It wasn't long before I came to love this guy. He was pretty neat, but he would not do anything to better himself.

One day, I got a call from a nurse that he had been air flighted to Sioux Falls for a heart attack.

I went and visited him in CCU, but he was out of it, so, I prayed over him and went out to spend some time with his wife.

Turns out he did not have a heart attack. Seems that severe dental problems can mimick heart trouble, and they found some abcessed teeth.

As you might have guessed they cut out all of his teeth.

Because he spent a couple of weeks in the hospital, and because he was intubated the entire time, his throat became inflamed, and when the intubation (?) was removed, he was unable to speak due to the irritation.

Each year, prior to Christmas I would pick him up and drive to the mall in Sioux Falls so he could do his Christmas shopping for his wife.

After we had gone through a number of stores in the mall, and he found something precious for his wife, he would tell me he had had enough.

What he looked forward to more than the shopping was going to Cracker Barrell.

Wally was raised in the South, and looked forward to our annual visit to Cracker Barrell so he could eat a meal with grits and could have chocolate cobbler afterward.

He was a die hard fan of the Tennessee Vols.

We kept up the shopping trip for a couple of years after I left the ministry.

Then, after being moved to a couple of different nursing homes, I lost contact with him.

One day, a couple of years ago, I was looking through the obituaries of one of the local papers and saw his name listed there.

Way too young to be taken away; but none to soon to be done with the pain and inconvenience of his disability.

Wally, I am looking forward to seeing you again one day. I do miss you.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shameless highlighting

Mamacita at, in her inimitable way has posted Wiggly Kids and Recess and Stuff

As usual she is right on, and definitely shows her professionalism as a teacher and professor.

Go ahead and look, you know you want to, you know you deserve it, you know you will hate yourself in the morning if you don't look!

Words to warm the heart

Long life to you!
Good health to you and your household!
And good health to all that is your's!
(1 Samuel 25:6)


Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?
If your mother says don't chew it do you swallow it in spite?
And you catch it on your tonsils and your heavin left and right;
Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?