Saturday, August 2, 2008

Devotional thought for today

August 2

For we are laborers together with God. (1 Cor. 3:9.)

One morning long before the Carpenter was to appear in His shop, the Carpenter's tools decided that they needed to have a conference to settle some of the problems which were steadily arising in their work.

The first tool called to take the chair was Brother Hammer. The meeting informed him that he was to leave because he was too noisy with his work. "But", he said, "if I am to leave this carpenter shop, Brother Gimlet must go too; he is so insignificant that he makes very little impression."

Little Brother Gimlet rose to his feet and said, "All right, but Brother Screw must go also; you have to turn him around and around again and again to get him anywhere."

Brother Screw then said, "If you wish, I will go, but Brother Plane must leave as well; all his work is on the surface; there is no depth to it!"

To this, Brother Plane replied, "Well, Brother Rule will have to withdraw, if I do, for he is always measuring other folks as though he were the only one who is right!"

Brother Rule then complained against
Brother Sandpaper, and said, "I just don't care, he is rougher than he ought to be, and he is always rubbing people the wrong way!"

In the midst of this discussion, the Carpenter of Nazareth walked in - earlier than they expected. He had come to perform His day's work. He first put on His apron and then went over to the bench to make a pulpit.

He employed the screw, the gimlet, the sandpaper, the saw, the hammer, the plane, and all the other tools.

After the day's work was over and the pulpit was finished, Brother Saw arose and said, "Brethren, I perceive that all of us are laborers together with God!"

Do there happen to be any people within your circle of acquaintances who do not perform their duties just the way you think they should?

Perhaps it would be well to think twice before making any criticism or finding any fault with any one of God's instruments of service who is furthering His kingdom here on earth.

If a selfish judgment were made against one of
God's necessary tools and that tool was removed from his work, who would be the one causing God's work to be delayed?

Streams in the Desert, Vol 2, Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1966

Thursday, July 31, 2008

las cucarachas en esta vida

The idols are pointed out by her excellency Pamela.

Go, read, and become informed...if you find your hero, heroine, or idol listed there, well...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cognition ignition or thinkin when I don't get paid for it

Healing Grace, David A. Seamands, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1988

"Psychologists who have made special studies of affirmation have come up with a formula about positive and negative strokes.

"A positive stroke enhances us as persons. If it was given for doing - what you did - it's worth 1 point. If it was given for being - what you are - it's worth 10 points.

"A negative stroke diminishes us as persons. If it was given for doing, it counts 10 points. If it was given for being, it counts 100 points (pg 155)."

This appears to go along with a saying we had back in the Corps: "One awshit negates a thousand attaboys"

I guess the import of this lies in the dems not being open to discussing issues, but instead wanting to impugn the person speaking.

Remember? "Home, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play, where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day."

And think of how life in America is today. We might just as well sing where often is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are cloudy all day.

Have you taken the time to encourage someone today? Perhaps, as you encourage another, you will find encouragement coming your way.

Sadly, we always receive exactly what we put forth. So, reach out a hand to someone, and give them a blessing that will leave them wondering if they are still living here in this time and place.

if it ain't one thing its another

Steelers vs. Vikings at H.H.H. Metrodome

Be there, Saturday August 23rd when Ben Roethlisberger and the Steelers invade Minneapolis to take on the Vikings. You can be there LIVE in the Metrodome. Limited options are available for Single Game Tickets & Private Suites.

Single Game Tickets
A limited number of single game tickets remain for the Steelers vs. Vikings. You can secure your seats by clicking here.

Private Suites
Private Suites are also available. Suites accommodate 12, 16 or 18 guests. Party Suites hosting 24 to 34 guests may also be available. Prices starts at $2,000. To make your reservation call 952-918-8505.

Looks like, I am gonna miss the first game of the Steelers season...that is the weekend I will be in Thornton, CO for the 45th high school reunion.

Best of luck to the Steelers, WASTE EM

Monday, July 28, 2008

Symbolism over substance

Perhaps the time has come to rename the Veterans Administration to the Disabled Veterans Administration.

Once upon a time, I believe the VA was begun to take care of veterans returning from war, both disabled and non-disabled.

But because of our liberal leaders, and the strength of bureaucracies we now have a bloated gummint entity, that really lives for itself.

I will readily admit that disabled vets do get pretty good care, in many of the VA hospitals...recent gnus articles attest to the ones that fail miserably.

Looking at the VA, we can get a pretty good idea what gummint universal health care is gonna be like.

The first thing we need to remember is that any bureaucracy is in place to further and grow itself.

Therefore, funding, must be used primarily to keep the bureaucracy viable.

A good way to stretch the gummint funding, is to require a means testing on all persons who apply.

The Veterans Administration is supposed to exist to assist veterans, however, if you are a veteran, and you have less than 10% disability and you make more money each year than the poverty level, you not only are at the bottom of the list of eligibles, but you must also pay a copay.

Yeah, you see, we are back to the VA being renamed the DVA.

Because you see, disabled vets, normally cannot earn enough money in a year to take them beyond the poverty level, but since they are disabled they have received a priority.

Please understand, I am not denigrating disabled vets. I wish them the best of care, and anything that will make their lives less difficult.

But I really believe there should be truth in advertising. If the VA is truly in existence for assisting "veterans" then all "veterans" should be eligible regardless of disability or income.

If that is not realistic, then we should call a spade a spade and rename the bureaucracy to Disabled Veterans Administration.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

History is reassuring

Da Cajun has a pretty moving article posted from about a WWII veteran.

Gotta read it, and cogitate...