Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thinken when i still ain't getten paid for it

I was cogitating on mypost on HRC saving Sosh Security...

My mental gymnastics took me someplace that I had not thot of before.

Latest estimates are that the Republicans will lose around 30 seats in the senate, and 14 in the House. I understand this to mean the Dems will have an overwhelming majority in con-gress.

Stay with me here, while I roll this around...

Dems are the super-majority in con-gress, and HRC gets elected president...

HRC says, "Gang, we need to take the Sosh security gig off the general fund and put it into a lock box, cuz, that's what the electorate elected me for."

I can just hear it now, "Reelect HRC cuz, she was able to do what the Republican president could not do; she saved Sosh security! She deserves to have a second presidential term."

The really big difference between a rut and a grave, is the rut don't got no ends...

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